Breast Augmentation

I have been wanting breast implants for several years but the biggest thing holding me back is fear. I am so scared that I will be in miserable pain when I wake up after surgery as well as for a long time during recovery. How bad is the pain going to be and how hard will recovery be??? I work in an office so I won't have to do any lifting or anything when I return to work, I guess my main fear is just being in constant pain from this procedure.

beckywarren145 September 22, 2019

Questions Answered by Leading Local Doctors

Andre Levesque, MD
512.477.3778, Austin, Plastic Surgery
Dear Alana,

Fear of pain with surgery is quite normal and common. I can honestly say that now with enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols pain can be adequately managed and it is easier than ever to recover from surgery.

My typical patient might take narcotic pain medications for a few days after placement of implants and many can get back to work over a weekend.

This is possible because multiple modality pain medications are given before, during, and after surgery, local anesthesia is given before starting the incisions. Implant placement call also have an effect with in front of the muscle location typically be less painful in appropriately selected patients.

Andre Levesque M.D.